Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We received a call from a friend who advised us that Papierhouse was being wrongfully accused of copyright and unoriginality.

Unfortunately, in all industries, there are those who think that you can speak your mind, without obtaining all the facts, and do so without thinking about the consequences of their actions.
Slanderous and Defamatory comments about one or ones business are not taken lightly. As teachers, we learn techniques from various sources and apply these techniques in our work, in turn teaching others. "Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts or information, nor does it protect styles, techniques or methods" - Quoted from the Copyright Council.

When we design workshops, if we have learnt a special "technique" or "style" from someone, we will always credit the artist. As designers, we understand the importance of this acknowledgment, even if it is not a legal requirement. Many teachers are inspired by others. It is this inspiration that keeps our craft alive and teaches others about the importance of memory keeping. It is here where our focus should be.

At Papierhouse, we are original, ethical and definately not fradulent within ourselves or our business. We are inspired by those in our industry and we give credit where credit is due. We design our own products, classes and workshops ethically and with intent to provide our clients (our friends), the information and techniques they need, to pursue their papercrafting passions".

Mindy & Regina, Owner of Papierhouse

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's Valentine's Day today.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!